Verity Nunan

Verity Nunan is a research-based artist, completing her PhD at Griffith University. She uses a walking-based methodology to explore architectural and artistic place inquiry. Mapping human-water environments and privatisation of space and place is central to this theme. Verity is a co-director of Slag Heap Projects, an artist run initiative on Wilyakali Country, Broken Hill. 

Verity Nunan
Black Water (2 panels)
This is the ashes of approximately 250 dead fish collected on the bank behind the Menindee pub on Barkindji country, the  on the 18th of March 2023, almost all were Bony Bream. They were burnt on site with river red gum. The charcoal and ashes are preserved in Linseed oil and Gum Turps.
180 cm x 180 cm (per panel)

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